Alle som vil vite mer om kunnskapsutvikling innen tjenester til personer med syns- og hørselsnedsettelser bør få med seg denne serien, som foregår på engelsk og har fellestittelen: «Research methods in deafblind research – a mulitdisiplinary approach».
- Vi har invitert spesialister fra hele Europa til å holde foredrag og delta som deltakere. Det første webinaret ble gjennomført 28. januar og var en suksess med 90 deltakere fra 13 forskjellige land. Vi er nå klare for det andre webinaret. Det blir holdt torsdag 11. mars fra klokken 12.00 til 15.00. Som forrige gang vil vi ha tre presentasjoner, som hver varer 35 minutt, pluss ti minutter til spørsmål. Mellom presentasjonene vil vi ha pauser på et kvarter, forteller Rolf Lund, koordinator for NKDBs forskernettverk og webinarseriens stødige vert.

Ulike perspektiver
Først ute denne torsdagen i uke 10 vil være Ines Weber, som jobber i utdanningssektoren i Tyskland. Hun skal presentere sin masteroppgave fra Universitetet i Groningen, en oppgave hun har skrevet i samarbeid med Jude Nicholas, psykologspesialist ved Statped i Bergen. Oppgaven hennes heter “Assessment of the Functional Hearing of Children with Deafblindness with literature review and an expert hearing with professionals in the field of deafblindness”. Hun har benyttet seg av metodetriangulering, som kort sagt er en metodisk tilnærming for å forstå komplekse fenomener.

Klokken ett vil ph.d. Myrthe Plasisier snakke om utfordringene med SUITCEYES, et EU-prosjekt som er satt sammen av ordene Smart, User-friendly, Interactive,Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer that Yields Extended Sensosphere. Hennes presentasjon vil ta for seg hvordan SUITCEYES er delt inn i "arbeidspakker", som etter planen skal flettes sammen til ny kunnskap. Plaisier er forsker ved Eindhoven teknologiske universitet i Nederland.

Webinaret avsluttes med ph.d. Ann-Britt Johanssons presentasjon av «Intervjuer av personer med døvblindhet i et livsperspektiv». Johansson jobber som seniorrådgiver innen syn ved Eikholt nasjonalt ressurssenter for døvblinde.
Les om hele webinarserien i denne saken: Forskningsmetoder innen døvblindefeltet.
12.00: Method triangulation: a methodological approach for understanding complex phenomena: “Assessment of the Functional Hearing of Children with Deafblindness with literature review and an expert hearing with professionals in the field of deafblindness”. Med Ines Weber.
12.35: Spørsmål
12.45: Pause
13.00: The challenges with SUITCEYES, an EU-project composed of the words Smart, User-friendly, Interactive, Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer that Yields Extended Sensosphere. Med Myrthe Plasisier.
13.35: Spørsmål
13.45: Pause
14.00: "Interviews of people with deafblindness in a life perspective". Med Ann-Britt Johansson.
14.35: Spørsmål
15.00: Avslutning
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Note March 11th
Get ready for the second part of our webinar series on research methods in the field of deafblindness. Register here:
The webinar series "Research methods in deafblind research - a multidisciplinary approach" is relevant for anyone interested in knowledge development in services for people with dual visual and hearing impairment / deafblindness.
- We have invited specialists from all over Europe to give lectures and join as participants. The first webinar on January 28, was a success with 90 participants from 13 different countries. We are now ready for the second webinar, on Thursday March 11 from 12.00 to 15.00. During this day there will be three new presentations, lasting 35 minutes each with additional 10 minutes for questions, followed by a 15 minutes break, says Rolf Lund, coordinator of NKDB's research network and the webinar series' steady host.

Different perspectives
The first lecturer on Thursday in week 10, will be Ines Weber, who works in the education sector in Germany. She will present her master's thesis from the University of Groningen, written in collaboration with Jude Nicholas, specialized psychologist at Statped in Bergen. Her thesis is called "Assessment of the Functional Hearing of Children with Deafblindness with literature review and an expert hearing with professionals in the field of deafblindness". She used method triangulation, which is a methodical approach to understanding complex phenomena.

At 13.00, the PhD Myrthe Plasisier, will talk about the challenges of SUITCEYES, an EU-project composed of the words Smart, User-friendly, Interactive, Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer that Yields Extended Sensosphere. Her presentation will look at how SUITCEYES is divided into "work packages", which will be sewn together for new knowledge. Plaisier is a scientific researcher from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands.

Lifelong perspective
The last lecturer is PhD Ann-Britt Johansson, who will talk about "Interviews of people with deafblindness in a life perspective". Johansson works as a senior consultant in vision at Eikholt National Resource Center for the Deafblind.
Read more about the webinar series in this article: Forskningsmetoder innen døvblindefeltet.
12.00: Method triangulation: a methodological approach for understanding complex phenomena: “Assessment of the Functional Hearing of Children with Deafblindness with literature review and an expert hearing with professionals in the field of deafblindness”. By Ines Weber.
12.35: Questions
12.45: Break
13.00: The challenges with SUITCEYES, an EU-project composed of the words Smart, User-friendly, Interactive, Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer that Yields Extended Sensosphere. By Myrthe Plasisier.
13.35: Questions
13.45: Break
14.00: "Interviews of people with deafblindness in a life perspective" By Ann-Britt Johansson.
14.35: Questions
15.00: Webinar closes
Link and registration
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PS. This event is unfortunately not designed for sign language interpretation. If you need interpretation, send an email to