Oversikt over prosjekter

  • Endresen, Å. E., Rieber-Mohn, B. og Johannessen, A. M., (2015) På vei mot et taktilt språk - Hva skal til for å få det til? Rapport fra prosjektet "På vei mot et taktilt språk. Statped 2015. Last ned rapporten her.
  • Rødbroe I., Frantzen Bjartvik R., Bolkesjø Brandt A., Brubakken M., Jacobsen R. (2015). Videoanalyse i fokusgrupper - Kvalitetssikring av botilbud for voksne personer med medfødt døvblindhet. Prosjektrapport av Signo skole- og kompetansesenter/ Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for døvblinde. Videoanalyse i fokusgruppe.docx
  • Brede, K. S. (2014). Språkutvikling gjennom meningsfull aktivitet - Videreføring. Eikholt, nasjonalt ressurssenter for døvblinde, Norge.
  • Forsgren, G., Høgmo H.K. & Nafstad A. V (2014): Døvblindfødte menneskers vei inn i språket. Statped sørøst fagavd. døvblindhet og kombinerte syns- og hørselsvansker.
  • Brede, K. S. (2013). Språkutvikling gjennom meningsfull aktivitet. Taktil kommunikasjonsutvikling hos personer med medfødt døvblindhet i tilknytning til bygging av «BUA-MI», Eikholt, nasjonalt ressurssenter for døvblinde, Norge. 
  • Endresen, Å. A. m.fl. (2012).: Nye veier. Erfaringer fra tolketeam til personer med medfødt døvblindhet. Statped 2012.
  • Klefstad, L. m.fl. (2012). Føl mitt språk. Tromsø, Norge: UNN, Regionsenteret for døvblinde.


  • Bjerkan, B. (2014) Sosial kontakt og kommunikasjon mellom voksne med medfødt døvblindhet og ansatte i et bomiljø.
    Hovedoppgave i psykologi basert på data fra dette prosjektet kan lastes ned her.

Publiseringer i Norge

  • Høgmo, H. (2010). Joinings World.; Attention directing gestures in children with congenital deafblindness. – An exploratory study based on an exemplary case. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Johannessen, A.M. (2009). Trust in the other - persons with congenital deafblindness: Access to participation in dialogue. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Vege, G. (2009). Co-presence is a Gift. Co-presence as a prerequisite for a sustained and shared here and now. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Brede, K.S. (2008). Let me join your attention. A Sign Language Perspective on the Communicative Togetherness with a Child who is Congenitally Deafblind. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.

Internasjonale publiseringer

  • Einarsson, V. Bendixen, T. Hauge, E. Tuomi, E. Skei, L. (2020). Psychological assessment of individuals with deafblindness. 
  • Costain, K, Souriau, J. og Daelman M. (2019). Embodied Cognition and Language Appropriation: Recycling with Difference by a Child with Congenital Deafblindness and Multiple Disability, University of Groningen, Netherlands. 
  • Malmgren, S. (2014) Att känna tilsammans. Göteborgs Universitet, Specialpedagogiska programmet. Sverige.
  • Dammeyer, J. og  Nielsen, A.(red) (2013) Kropslig og taktil sprogutvikling – en antologi om forskellige sprogmodaliteters muligheder og umuligheder, undersøgt med afsæt I personer med medfødt døvblindhed. Materialecenteret, Aalborg, Danmark.
  • Camenish, A. (2012). Successful peer interaction without guidance or support between two children with congenital deafblindness. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Klefstad, L. m.fl. (2012). Feel My Language. University Hospital of north Norway/ Regional Center for People with Deafblindness, Tromsø, Norway.
  • Van Zadelhof, I. (2012).  The encounter with a hot lamp: How a child with congenital deafblindness makes sense of the world he lives in. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Wolthuist, K. (2012).  Language acquisition by touch. An Analysis of the Language Acquisition Process of a Child with Congenital Deafblindness on Phonology, Lexicon and Morphosyntax. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Buelund, H. (2011).  Transfer – from knowledge to action .The sense of being a competent partner to people with congenital deafblindness. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Hart, P. (2010). Moving beyond the Common Touchpoint. Discovering language with congenitally deafblind people. Dissertation. University of Dundee. Dundee. Lenke til artikkel 
  • Haubrich, O. (2010). Scaffolding Heros. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Arman, K. (2009). A Child Tries to Make Sense of the World. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Hostyn, Ine. (2008). Emotional Availability and Meaning Making in Dialogue. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.
  • Wiese, J. (2008). Development of a Dialogical Thinking in a Team of Caregivers. M.A. thesis in Educational Sciences, Faculty of behavioural and Social sciencs, University of Groningen. Netherlands.